CaSTB - Czech and Slovak Testing Board


Download syllabi, sample exams and other materials below.
For greater clarity, we have divided the individual files according to the target level they relate to.
If you cannot find the syllabi you were looking for, try official ISTQB downloads page for exhaustive list of all the documents.

Available materials for CTFL

Czech language cs
Učební osnovy ISTQB® pro základní úroveň v4.0


Učební osnovy ISTQB® pro základní úroveň v2018 (valid to 9th November 2024)


Slovak language sk
Učebná osnova ISTQB® pre základný stupeň v4.0

ISTQB-CTFL-Učebná osnova-v4.0-SK.pdf

Učebná osnova ISTQB® pre základný stupeň v2018 (valid to 9th November 2024)


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